My Official Track Takes A Category 3 Hurricane Isaac Into Mobile, Alabama

Courtesy of NHC

Although it is still very far out. I am wanting to state that I believe Isaac will enter the eastern Gulf starting early next week following a landfall somewhere along the Florida Keys. A lot depends upon track, how long it spends over Cuba and what state the inner core is when it remerges out over the Florida Straits. If the core isn’t too disrupted after it’s interaction with Cuba, I believe it could well become a major hurricane as it crosses the very warm Straits and advances northwest over mid-80 degree waters of the eastern Gulf of Mexico. With good atmospheric environment of little shear and dry air, for at least 5 days now I have felt that a landfall near Mobile, Alabama was very plausible sometime Wednesday or Thursday and so I want to declare this idea and see if this path plays out.

Courtesy of WeatherBELL Models

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